Tuesday, 6 December 2016

An exclusive interview with Nuru Art...

Calvin Queens: - What are your full names and what is the name of your band?
Nuru Art: - Yunilucy Swedi and Cheryl Jelangat.
We are Nuru Art.

Calvin Queens: - How did you meet and what inspired you to form the band?
Nuru Art: - We met back in high school, and we were both into music. We started singing together. After high school we parted ways till last year when Cheryl moved to Nairobi and we connected, venturing back to our talents.

Calvin Queens: - When you recently met, what inspired you to do music?
Nuru Art: - Our passion was still on and we were still writing songs. We decided to form a band and sing out our hearts.

Calvin Queens: - Tell us about your first release.
Nuru Art: - Our first single is known as "Eyes on me." It was written back in 2011 which is an outgoing song for beautiful sexy girls.

Calvin Queens: - That sounds amazing. Who is the producer?
Nuru Art: - Our song has been produced by Philo  at MainSwitch production.

Calvin Queens: - MainSwitch is a great production house. Have you released any album?
Nuru Art: - Not yet. We are on few singles before settling on an album. by mid next year, we could be talking about it.
Cheryl Jelagat, who is a psychology student.

Calvin Queens: - Where do you see yourselves in 3 years to come?
Nuru Art: - We take each day at a time but we are super sure we will have tied a strong knot in music.

Calvin Queens: - What are some of the hobbies you share?
Nuru Art: - Reading, cooking and definitely rendering our ears to music.

Calvin Queens: - Apart from music, what else are you currently doing?
Nuru Art: - Cheryl - I am a student pursuing psychology
                  YuniLucy - I have ventured into fashion design.

Calvin Queens: - In comparison to International music, how would you Kenyan music?
Nuru Art: - Kenyan music is on pick. Although we are far to serve on the same table with international music. I however believe we have something we can offer.

Calvin Queens: - What advice would you give to the youths out there with a talent in music but have not made their journey to the studio?
Nuru Art: - If it keeps buzzing you, do it.
Yunilucy Swedi, a fashion designer by profession.
But make sure you take it all slow. The world will never know about you if you die without doing your best.

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